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10 Advantages a Waterless Geothermal System Has Over a Standard Geothermal System

Icon Longer Life

Longer Life Expectancy

A more efficient loop fluid (refrigerant) transfers more heat and less run time.
Icon Higher Cap

Higher Capacities

A newly designed refrigerant circuit delivers capacities never before seen in a closed loop geothermal system.
Icon Less Parts

Less Parts

Having less system components results in greater reliability and less potential problems in the future.

Icon Lower Drilling 2

Lower Drilling Cost

Requiring less loop per ton lowers upfront drilling cost without sacrificing system capacity & performance.

Less Heat Exchanges

A simpler design captures and delivers energy from the earth quicker, causing less runtime and quicker ground temperature recovery.
SEO Performance Icon Design

Proven Performance

Hundreds of field studies confirm the EPA’s statement that a direct exchange geothermal system is more efficient than a traditional water source geothermal design.

Design & Size

The Waterless direct exchange design allows contractors the ability to design the system to deliver 100% of the heating needs by oversizing the cooling loads by up to 200% without experiencing humidiity issues.
Icon Higher Eff

Higher Efficiencies

A refrigerant filled loop maintains higher efficiencies throughout the heating and cooling season, being less susceptible to the swings in ground temperature. 
Icon Cold Climate

Cold Climate Geothermal

Pre-engineered copper ground loop systems elimate guesswork of designing a high-performance loop field + maintains high capacities even during extreme ground conditions.  
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A Differentiator

We offer customized features and benefits that will be exclusive to your organization, that will set your company apart while increasing your companies revenues.   
Since we started installing DX Geothermal, we haven't looked back!
Rob Feuer
Geothermal Works


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“In 2 decades of selling geothermal we have finally found the best product on the market, and I am very proud to have a Waterless geothermal in my home.”
– Rob

“Waterless geothermal is one of the few products that delivers rated or higher BTU’s as advertised. We have tested thousands of systems in our market to verify performance. Waterless Geothermal products deliver the results reliably.”
– Jason

“With over 30 years of servicing geothermal equipment, a Waterless geothermal system is one that I can truly trust will deliver the savings, comfort, and reliability my clients are looking for.”
– Dominic


A Direct Exchange (DX) Geothermal system works by directly transferring heat from the ground to your home.

The earth absorbs solar energy from the sun allowing the ground to remain at a nearly constant temperature, between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit depending on geographic location. A DX geothermal system utilizes these constant temperatures to exchange heat between your home and the earth as needed for heating and cooling.

By using the direct exchange method, you’re able to reduce the number of heat transfers, which directly increases your home’s heat output. In a traditional water geothermal design there is a total of three heat transfers, while in a DX geothermal system there are only two.


We think taking a look at the Waterless Geothermal design could become your newest competitive advantage, helping you build a more stable and profiable future. Interested in learning more about becoming a dealer? Fill out this form or call us to book an appointment to see if you qualify in your area.